
Apple Cider Cocktail


Apple Brandy Drink 3 thumb


Apples have always been a favorite of mine. If you asked me when I was in 1st grade what my favorite food was, I probably would have told you it’s apples. I loved them as a kid – and still do as an adult. I feel like apple is always a trusty flavor to choose – you can’t go wrong with an apple pie (or any apple filled pastry).

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Yield: 2 drinks

Serving Size: 1 drink


  • 1/2 cup apple cider

  • 3 oz brandy

  • 3 oz apple brandy

  • 1/4 cup ginger ale

  • Apple slices to garnish (optional)


Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Pour in apple cider, brandy and apple brandy. Shake until well chilled and strain into two ice filled glasses. Top each glass with ginger ale to fill. Stir gently to combine. If desired, garnish with an apple slice.

Apple Cider Cocktail

Apple Cider Cocktail

