
Plum Shrub Cocktail

Yesterday we all got together and made a plum shrub, and now we’re ready to put it to good use. That’s right. It’s cocktail time.  You didn’t think I was gonna leave you hanging, did you? In addition to adding a depth of flavor, a shrub brings balance to a cocktail in place of other more traditional ingredients like simple syrup and citrus. For this cocktail I wanted to use a fair amount of our hard-earned plum shrub. In turn, I countered the sharpness of the vinegar with a sweet bourbon, then layered in a bit of nuttiness with a dry sherry. The cool part is that the flavor or the shrub is constantly evolving. Two weeks from now, when the vinegar has mellowed and the shrub ia a bit sweeter, you may think about switching the bourbon for a rye. Or, maybe even add a dash of bitters. You see how great shrubs are? Pretty magical stuff, indeed.

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  • 2 oz bourbon

  • 3/4 oz plum shrub

  • 1/4 oz dry Amontillado sherry

  • 1 large/oversized cube of ice

  • slice of plum for garnish

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Add all the ingredients to a mixing glass.

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Fill your mixing glass with ice.

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Stir for a full 30 seconds. Sometimes good things take time.

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Insert the large ice cube into an old fashioned glass.

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Strain your cocktail over ice and garnish with a slice of fresh plum.

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I think we put our shrub to good use. Enjoy!

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Plum Shrub Cocktail

Plum Shrub Cocktail

