
Watermelon and Mango Smoothi

Mango and watermelon go together like peas and carrots, which is to say they go together very well, indeed. The added honey may not be needed, but I like things a bit sweeter with my smoothies. Better to keep you full a bit longer and give a natural energy boost with honey than refined sugar.

Watermelon is only in season a short time so adding it to your smoothie is a great way to include as much of this nutritious fruit in your diet as you can, while it taste the best. Let us know how you enjoy this watermelon and mango smoothie this summer!

024816TJf source:solbliss.com


  • 1 mango, cut into small pieces

  • 2 cups seedless watermelon

  • 1/2 cup vanilla soy milk

  • 1 Tbsp honey

  • 4 ice cubes


Process in blender until smooth. Will serve 2 to 3 people.

Watermelon and Mango Smoothi

Watermelon and Mango Smoothi

